Greg Lowe

I wanted to share a little background about me so that fellow pickleballers get to know me a bit better.

I’m a technology guy with many years of building and implementing systems and platforms for companies of all sizes. I saw a need for a better way to share information about pickleball with the community. This is my first attempt at building a website that wasn’t business related.

One of the challenges of being an “IT Guy” is that you can spend lots of time hunched over a keyboard. Building out this website took me over 40-hours (so far).  Because the work tends to require a lot of focus, hours can go by without moving out of your seat. That has only been made worse in recent years, where working from home means that you don’t even have to get in the car and drive somewhere to go to work. I needed something that was going to compel me to get away from the screen!

I’ve always been sports focused, even as a kid. Back then, it was soccer in the Fall, hockey in the Winter and baseball in the Spring. Summer was reserved for goofing off, although you usually found me on a diving board. As I got older, I was always interested in finding new sports to try. One of the sports I really enjoyed was platform tennis. I loved the fast pace and strategy that the wires brought to the game. Unfortunately, rotator cuff issues made me give it up after playing for 15 years. Last September (2016), my wife signed us up for pickleball. I was very skeptical of a sport with such a stupid name. But after going through some basic training we were both hooked. Now we try to play 3-4 times a week.

Pickleball is just one of the sports that occupy my time. If I could find a mountain with snow on it, I’d most certainly be skiing. I also kayak, rock climb, hike, geocache, golf, cross-country ski just to name a few.

I truly hope you find this website valuable and informative. I am always interested in your feedback and ideas. If you want to contact me, please use the contact form below. I will respond to each message I receive (usually via email).

(I don’t post my e-mail address on the website because it would allow spammers to have a field day with me).

Contact me